3-5-06 fuckin albany...i miss my baby
12-18-04: okay so tuesday would have been 1 1/2 years but we broke up....thats it....go to my live
journal and read all about it
6-22-04: wow a year with chris hehe i love you
4-5-04: well for all you guys who read this....i love you....for chris
i love u more.....we will get through this....i know we will and when we do we will b happier then ever...i love u hunny always
and forever my baby u'll b.
12-1-03: Alls i can say is life is great...im in love...and i have found the one i want to spend
the rest of my life with..i got my permit or as anthony says "permanent"....chris's mom knows we have had sex...i think my
aunt might think we have....my sister is going to be 13!!! omfg....im going to be 18....me and chris will be going out 6 months
int 3 weeks.....holy shit....wow....im very upset george tried to steal me but mi amore saved me and then he ran off with
me.....i wish chris was here i miss him....chris i miss you1!!!!!! i love you baby i hope you like your birthday present...that
is when u get it...even though you already know wat it is.....anyways trinas going out wit my cuzin...mikes moved on and has
a new gf......christine (my son) is dating chelsea (my mom).....wow were messed up
9-11-03: all i have to say is WOW OMFG WOW if u know wat im talking about kewl if you dont
too bad!
9-10-03: I'm usually and i usually dont want all my boyfriends attention but i dont know its
weird recently i want chris all to myself like 2day 8th and 9th i mean all day i was looking foward to seeing him and then
8th he was plaing a game with sean (i think thats the kids name) no big deal i went uptown with christian maryanne melissa
and eleen but then at the end of 8th when i thought we would be able to hang out he wanted to play hackey sack and he played
that like the enitre 9th period now im not saying he ignored me for two periods 8th i was sitting with him for like the last
15 minutes and every now and then he would lean over and kiss me and 9th he would come up to me every now and then and kiss
me but i mean we didnt get to talk, its not that i want his attention but i want to hang out with him i want to be with him
for a period of time not like short lil intervals of time. i dont know maybe im being to wanting maybe im asking too
much i know guys need their space and maybe this was the time he wanted his space. i just wish i knew he doesnt know
y i was upset im still have to talk to him about that when he gets home. well does build a bear let u build a monkey and if
not can i have a store called build a monkey or better yet build a pet where u can build anything u want? hehe my cursors
a monkey
9-6-03: chris i love you more than ever im like so scared of loosing him i dont know why i think
its partially because all my friends and the significant others were going so good and now there all broken up and im just
really scared to loose chris like terrified wow i know i love him and i honostly think im in love with him....its kinda weird
how you know these things now i mean he kissed me the other day and i got butterflys in my stomache after 2months u shouldnt
be getting butterflys im still in the really like mode where i want him all the time thats usually over after the first month...........trina
im updating for you yet again
7-02-03: I passed all my regents hehe yay go me lol sorry yay brian and trina hehe...ohh well
trina im updating just 4 u.....
6-26-03: I PASSED MY CHEM REGENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got a 69...but yeah that is still passing......i
got an 81 in social and a 72 in math....im still waiting for italian i wasnt there when i ooked.....damnit
6-22-03: Guess what....I know who i like lol.....apparantly its my boyfriend or is it his friend?...lol
im jk kinda bored so yeah my computers being a dick ...along with my uncle...yeah i almost broke my finger...anywho.....hehe
chris u went down on one knee
6-12-03: hey yall well ant graduated pre school yesterday yay go 4 him...lol yeah ok me confused
please if anyone knows who i like can you please tell me because i dont know and its bugging me
6--10-03: happy Birthday Tammy.......ok well trina is mad at me for something i didnt do bcuz
i knew if i did do it than she would be mad at me and look i tried and i didnt say anything and u know what that got me...now
my best friend is mad at me god this sux ass...sorry amanda i had to use ur word....well all i can say is im sorry even though
i didnt do anything.
6-4-03: Im officially a gimp, i went to the doctor yesterday and am now in a knee brace or as they
call it an imobalizer, it keeps my leg straight and am on crutches. ahhh gosh darn school to many floors and now
im soo behind....yeah so when i fell i deeply bruised my knee which is as bad an cracking the knee cap and im no supposed
to have any weight on my knee but the crutches suck and i cant stand them anymore. in about two minutes im going
to put my crutches in a closet and say i lost them that way i wont have to use them anymore.
6-2-03: so umm how many lil 6 year olds are there out there that like to stalk people? i dont
know but i have encountered 2 in the last month oly fuck thats scary, the first one on may 2 and the kid yesterday june 1
omg thats not even a month. ok well this lil 6 year old was fallowing me at the ice skating rink and i was like "ok who are
his parents?" and this guy goes " im his father" and i was like "ohh well hes following me" and he was like "ohh yeah
he likes older women" yeah so when i fell then kid ran up to me and gave me a hug and was like "i caught you!!"
6-1-03: ok we have 12 more days of school and my leg hurts i did it again i hurt my knee fiirst ashley
kicks me and i cant walk for like a week and now i fall doing a spin ice skating ohh i cant bend it and i walk like a gimp
cuz i limp......
5-27-03: ok yeah well our stalker is nick, why of course, joe told us it was him and us being us
didnt believe him so i did the stupidest thing i gave our stalker my phone number, i have caller id maybe hes stupid enough
not to hit *67 well he didnt hit it and ohhh i flipped a shit i was so pissed i mean he really scared me i mean he told me
my last name and i started shaking. i just fliped out on him but thats ok ohh well. 3 weeks to go
5-16-03: ok yeah trina you owe me 5 dollars i totally screwed up the dance and i know i didnt make
it and if i did then the people are stupid because yeah i messed up, and not on purpose either ahhhhhh i cant do this in front
of people......
5-13-03: I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation I'm a blond bimbo girl, in a fantasy world Dress
me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly you're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink, kiss me here, touch me there,
hanky panky... You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
ok you guys trina and joe were right yes i like mike yeah dont tell anyone ahh i like him ohh well to bad he cant come to
six flags with us.....gosh darnet....ahhhhhhh bored bored bored bored wheres will? ok gotta go bye
5-5-03: ahhhhhhh i was stalked the damn kid!!!
5-2-03: The stupid luau was canceled because there was only 16 people going so now were going
to c xmen and mike is gonna b there with his gf....opps lol ok im tired ahh dumb fcuking skewl im not going to class
till 3rd period ahhh fcuking mongolians
4-28-03: l'OH il mio dio ho ottenuto il mio tasto di pancia penetrante ed ha danneggiato come un
ahhh della femmina ho dovuto prenderlo verso l'esterno in modo da Joe può ripeterlo bcuz la seconda volta lo ha fatto che
era oww curvato del oww del oww lo danneggia più prendendo verso l'esterno che esso fa metterlo in...
4-27-03: ow ow ow ow he had me take it out so he could can put it back in straight ow ow ow taking
it out hurts more than putting it in now theres a hole omg its gone......the hamster died.......damn mongolians
4-24-03: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
4-11-03: Dominos pizza how can i take your order? would u like a large or small pizza? ok gotta go
bye click......hehe i fell asleep at drill shhhhhhhh.....buh bye
4-9-09: damn two hour delays.....joe fyi we have a two hour delay
4-7-03: What Ok trina told paul i liked him like three months ago (iim probably exaggerated,
i cant spell either) and he still remembers....omg i was talking to him and he was like do u stil like joe?...i gave him and
answer and asked if he wantd to know if i was asking him to the luau to get back at joe for some stupid thing and he was like
"no just making sure you still liked me." ahh what?!? who told you lol never mind i know...ahh but you remember....yeah
ok so this hana is gonna come down for a week and than im going to go their for a week and than im going to go to alabama
for a lil while and than August 16-August 23 im going to be at the jersey shore....yaya happy summer.....lol im bored
4-3-03: ok well i alsmost told joe who likes him anybody out there if u know dont tell him the girl
will be very upset she doesnt want anyone specially him knowing......la di da wheres alex?
3-30-03: ahhh i hope todays the 29 ohhh no its the 30th ohh welll to lazy to change well hold
on let me change it ok changed it.....i was raped RAPE I SAY belly button rape that is joe and trina belly button raped
me and omg i belly button raped joe with my tongue...hehe and i belly button raped trina but ohh well...they were at my house
yesterday and i swear sex on the counter is bad but sex on the table is worse...joes big pimpin in the nyc...hes less than
1 cent....joe u oww me a lot of action for that 50 cents u took outta my pocket....now wat should we do first hmmm no we did
that nope did that too no to late cant do that....ohh ohhh i got one i promise i wont bite u if u let me do it ill be really
nice and not bite or even nibble pleez pleez...im not saying wat it is here though bcuz any1 can read it and i dont feel like
telling every1......ahhhh RAPE....he wont stop licking me make him stop...haha joe u got attacked by lil kids...sal likes
katrina and anthony kissed joe...six flags is gonna be great.
3-24-03: ahh pauls a dork he friggin indented the date on my hand..im not sure but i think
he presed a lil too hard...hmm lets c today i woke up at 4:30 im completely awake i actually got up and out of bed...the girl
from the ring was trying to get me ;ast night i opened my closet this morning expecting her to be sitting on the floor in
the back but thank god she wasnt there just the plane was....my aunts leaving in 2 days yay!!! maybe my uncle will be like
totally out of it and let ppl come over but i'll have to think of a really good reason...haha katrina faked sex with joe....joe's
"not" a virgin.....except he says he still is....oh well sucks for him haha ta ta for now
3-18-02: TODAYS TRINA'S B-DAY....LOL YAY FOR ME...ahh joe wouldnt let anyone down his pants
and we tried really hard...god katrina gets to go down everyones pants and i cant go down anyones...does someone want to let
me go down their pants? its not fair!!!!! i spent 2 hours typing my laba nd im still not doen and my printers being a bitch
and wont print it!!!! ahh baruch sucks cock lol jk....
3-16-03: JOE'S MEAN...haha im jk....katrina tried to go down pauls
pants!!! i wouldnt and asekd katrina to and she tried but paul wouldn't let her...my arms all red oww joe and paul were pinching
me and it hurt......
3-13-03: Yay hana's coming out in like a week i dont know the exact day but its soon.
3-8-03: OK well ahh joe was right bout anthony ok well umm ok yeah so much has happened i dont
know where to start well brians mean to katrina i almost killed her even though it wasnt me im taking joe to six flags with
me and ummm too much is personal so i cants say it.......
3-4-03: i like him i really like him, happy katrina i told everyone......ohh well god im in crisis
mode major katrina help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know what to do...u know what im talking about....ok well im
going to find a corner and cry cuz i dont know wat to do!!!
2-28-03: continued...ok so im not the only one who thinks this kid likes me katrina thinks so too...i
didnt say anything to her she read my journal, looked up and was like i think he likes you too! i just looked at her in complete
shock and was like you know who im talking about?!? and she was like yeah and i see it and i was like ok...i got
attacked today and yeti helped in the attacking!! how mean! he like held me back and let tim throw the stupid hackey sack
at me!!!! err so mean....
2-28-03: i have a problem, i think one of my ex-boyfriends friends likes me i dont know if
its true or if me and him are just good friends but i dont know if he does and im all like not sure, im not saying which ex-boyfriend,
dont try to figure it out (theres 9 or 10 of them if that helps) dont ask me who the person is (you probably dont even
know him) i wont tell you its my problem and i have only talked to one person about it, im not telling you who
talked to either. but omg i dont know if he does....well i start work on monday and yay i have a job, katrinas all depressed
because tim is acting like a jerk and she doesnt deserve it katrina im sorry just remember alex fell off the bed and hurt
her leg...gee i wonder wat she was doing?
2-26-03: well im extremely bored there is nothing to do, haha skewl sux, god im not grounded
thats a first, right? well sal wants to kill joe and its pretty funny i mean you think big brothers are bad talk about lil
brothers omg this kid is 8 and threatening an 15 year old..haha i wanna c joe kick his ass that would be great...lol
2-22-02: haha well whoever reads this if you didnt know it yet me and joe broke up, well ive been
through worse and ill get through this, i went to amandas cuz she always makes me feel betta its great when u go there her
brothers just attack you, i mean they literally attack, they threw me in the snow after the threw snowballs at me that were
bigger then my head, well its ok i got soaked. we went ice skating and i fell for caitlen and my butt was wet
for 2 hours, the we were at amandas till 1 ohh yeah i got the rode sign yay lol dont tell anyone its a secret well thnx to
every1 that tried to make me feel betta i love you guys.
2-16-03: joe ahh u got me addicted to cokemusic.com ur guy is hott...my room sux..i miss
u i havn't seen u in 4 days this sux i wish u werent sick friday then i coulda seen u...ohh well im sorry for overreacting
about the cheating thing and the cybering thing...i guess i was a lil shocked that ud actually think id cheat on u. well its
2:30 in the morning no ones online but alvin and me and him are talking so ill c ya later....
2-3-02: My stupid boyfrind wasnt in skewl sorry joe had to say that cuz i knew ud read this...lol
well i feel like shit went to skewl to c joe he wasnt in skewl spent all day depressed couldnt go hom bcuz my aunt wasnt home
and well thats bout all
2-1-03: Well Alex told me to start a journal so her it goes....Joe finallly asked me out i
was only waiting like a forever for him to...but he finally did on monday...........I FAILED MATH..........and katrinas the
best friend anyone can have lol ........i screwed up my dance on friday yeah i dance....lol sorry joe pepsi's better!