1. Don't ever lie to us; we always find out.
2. We don't enjoy talking dirty to you as much as you enjoy listening.
3. Don't say you understand when you don't.
4. Girls are pretty, but yours is ALWAYS the Prettiest!
5. You don't have PMS; don't fuckin act like you know what it's like.
6. Saying something sweet might get you off the hook; doing something sweet will always get you off the hook.
7. If you talk about having a big Dick; we know you don't.
8. Size does matter, but only to hoes; not girls that want real relationships.
9. We don't like it when you act like Mr. Big.
10. A system in your car only impresses your homeboys not us.
11. No matter what you say, your ex-girlfriend is a hoe.
12. It's good to be sensitive, all the time.
13. If you did something wrong or even if you didn't, apologize.
14. Be spontaneous; dinner and a movie won't always cut it.
15. We are self-conscious by nature; we can't help it. 16. We are DrAmA queens.
17. Fashion police do exist.
18. Don't ask us to give u head; you wont get it so why bother.
19. We absolutely DO NOT care about monster trucks, paintball, or anything else you and your friends talk about... in other
words shut the fuck up 20. Hugs and
kisses must be given at all times.
21.eWe don't shave our legs everyday so get over it. 22. Don't make bets about us;
we will always find out.
23. Shave; no matter how cool you think your goatee or beard or mustache looks, we always hate it.
24. Even if you think it is cool to burp, fart, or emitt other strange gases from your body, it isn't, so DONT..
25. Don't compare our breasts with Pamela Anderson's; hers are fake, just remember that. ( u have a better shot at ours
than you ever will with hers, you may as well give it up now)
26. It is not cool to shoot snot rockets.
27. We are beautiful at all times.
28. We will always think we are fat, so humor us and tell us we aren't. 29. You
can shoot hoops, score a goal, knock down big fat guys, and hit a little baseball with a stick, so why the hell can't
you piss in the toilet and not on it. 30. Most importantly: we are always right;
so don't forget it.